Hourglass Chart
Henry ‏(Known as The General)‏ White

Henry White ‎(I435)‎
Birth 1890 35 36
Ernest White ‎(I438)‎
Birth 1893 38 39
May White ‎(I439)‎
Birth 1899 44 45
Henry ‏(Known as The General)‏ White ‎(I115)‎
Birth 9 July 1854 31 33
Henry White ‎(I114)‎
Birth 1823 -- Marsh Baldon
Death 1887 ‏(Age 64)‏
Martha Betteridge ‎(I113)‎
Birth 1821 45 45 -- Lewknor Oxfordshire
Death 5 December 1904 ‏(Age 83)‏ -- Birmingham
Thomas Betteridge ‎(I85)‎
Birth 1776 -- Marsh Baldon Oxfordshire
Elizabeth Stacey ‎(I86)‎
Birth 10 March 1775 30 24 -- Marsh Baldon Oxfordshire
Death 1855 ‏(Age 79)‏